Thursday, May 31, 2012

new day

  Today is off to a good start.
I got to snuggle with the youngest on the couch before she went to play outside with Growler, Scooby and Abbey.  
My mom called and she locked her keys in car so I am going to help her get a new key today.

Today is going to be good.  got lots to do

                                          1.  pay a bill  (good to get it over with)
                                          2. go grocery shopping  (we need food to eat)
                                          3. get movie passes  
                                                  the local PTA sells movie passes for the summer
                                                  we get 7 movies for $11 so we are going to get them again this year.


                                          4. pay off hubby's layaway for camping supplies  (early b-day/fathers day                                           

Sometime in the middle of all this I have to bake bread again (we eat it too fast)
Do Science with the kids, we are studying mammals and making a game for review

have a great day

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Feels like a Monday

   This should tell you that you are having a bad day and it is time to go back to bed.

Today while weed-eating the yard I broke the weed-eater.  How you ask do you break a weed-eater that is a good question.  As soon as I figure it out I will get back to you, meanwhile I have to take the bottom 1/2 to the store and get a new one (or a brand new one which ever is better)

Lawn mower hasn't been started since last year and today again (I couldn't start it).
Dogs actually drank all the water outside for them, they have a 3 gallon barrel.

hope your day has been better
Oh yeah by the way school did get done today  (only thing that got done today all the way anyway)

Friday, May 25, 2012


  I am going to have a slow weekend I think.  It is suppose to rain until Monday (that is what I hear anyway), and some parts of the state are getting snow.
  Hubby is getting ready for his vacation.
  Kids are signed up for VBS (yes even the oldest is going to help he needs the service hours).  So that is the first of June


My baby Growler

She is growing and getting into everything now.  She has discovered my flower pots and I think she is digging in them.  She is turning into a hand full and now I am glad that I only have her (and the other 2 dogs).
she is cute though (right)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I got my truck back today so now we are not stuck.
Weather is hot,  too hot for this time of year.  Kids are trying to get school done, and cleaning done.

Growler is growing like a weed.  Eating all the time, and playing, chewing. Potty training her is pretty good (I think she has got it).

Monday, May 14, 2012

For sure a Monday

Well today is a Monday that is true,  just got a call from the mechanic and truck is going to cost so so much to fix.  Now to tell hubby about it (not going to be fun)

have a good day everyone (hope yours is better then mine)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

     I haven't been on here very much lately and I am sorry.  It is getting harder to get things done with spring in the air and summer around the corner.
    This weekend is the state Homeschool Convention  (yeah) I can't wait.

Here is a link to our convention this year.  Keynote speaker is Kevin  Swanson.  I can't wait to hear what he has to say.

have a great weekend (I will) 

Sunday is Mothers Day so enjoy yourselves, hubbies and kids.  

favorite historical poem

I just love the story of Paul Revere.  Today for history we talked about the famous ride he did and then read the poem about it.  Please join me and read it too.

(I love this, and I really love watching my kids face as they heard the poem)

My daughter learned something new today too,  not all poems rhyme all the way through.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Went to the local greenhouse today and got a few things.
  •       Stevia sugar  plant
  •       2 Lavender plants
  •       peppermint plant
  •       cilantro
  •       lemon balm
  •      some small snap dragons
All in all it was fun, now I have them planted and ready to grow  (I hope)

Friday, May 4, 2012


Well I think I need to work with my daughter on what you can eat for dinner.  We had eggs, summer sausage and biscuits for dinner and she thought that was wrong.

Told me that we should not eat that but save for tomorrow.  I need to work with her on easy dinner's more often.  ha ha

Look ahead

     I said in an earlier post how stressed out the end of the year gets with deciding on what worked and what didn't .  Well I decided to get an idea and map out a plan and I think it has worked.  I now have most of high school planned out and know what we are adding.
   The only thing I don't have yet is the foreign language that he wants to learn.  I hate to spend a fortune on it when I am not sure that he will like it.   So I am kinda stuck.
If anyone knows of a safe, secure not too $$ way to learn Japanese I would love to hear it.  I need it to be a 2 year program (for a college scholarship the state has)  set up for all college students that went to school here.

So even though I am not much of a list maker I have to say that my list/map of high school years has made me feel much better.

family happenings

   Well today is Friday, and boy are we enjoying ourselves.
   It is nice outside, so the dogs (yes all 3) are outside now.  
   I gave my daughter a Indian doll that was set up at my wedding and she seems happy to have it today.
   My son is working in his room, and soon we are going to get the dog pen we borrowed from Grandma and Grandpa back to them since now they have my step-brothers dog too.  (that is my reason for keeping Growler good one hu??)
   Tomorrow we have a book exchange to go to through the homeschool group.  So my daughter is getting a book to exchange for something else.  I just hope she picks out a good one in return.
                             I am now at day 4 of Zumba and all is going good. I am not as sore as I had been so maybe I will start seeing results soon.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Well I have been at this for 3 days now, and yes I am sore  ha ha
Never fear I will not run in defeat, I will go on and do more.  I did learn something today though while doing the workout. It is so much easier to do the dance with your tennis shoes on.  I have been doing this in my socks or barefoot, and that is not good so from now on I will put my shoes on first.  (ha ha)

This seems to be a good way to start the morning, and then I am ready for the long day of school.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New day

Seeing as I am now older then I was on Sunday (ha ha) I have decided to change some things about me.
I have decided to get back in shape again but not as fast as bootcamp was (ha ha).

So join me on my journey of finding new and interesting ways to work out.
Today I did 3 min. of a Zumba workout on my Xbox now I was only on beginner, but I think I will feel it later.

I got my new table yesterday and today my Son and I are going to finish putting the chairs together (I will post a picture when done).  It is a smaller table then the one we had before so it fits the kitchen better.  It has a marble countertop and looks really nice.

School did not get done yesterday so today we will get classes done and then go from there.

have a great day I know I will.   I am sitting on my couch with the door open listening to the birds and watching Growler sleep.