Monday, August 6, 2012

First Day of School Year

Well this year is off to a rough start.
    Son wants to do his schooling at night. (not so sure it is a good idea)
    Daughter doesn't want to do the questions on the workbooks.

I think it could be a long week as we get back into the grove.
Oh yeah and don't forget the groundings that will on if school is not done.
        Daughter can not go and play outside if work is not done.
         Son looses his phone so no talking to girlfriend if he doesn't get his work done.  I know I am a mean Mom, but hey we got to do something to make the point.  Right??


  1. Jacob was same way one year, wanted to do it at night

  2. So how did that work out Renee?

  3. Hang in there girl!!! We are in the mean mom club together :) lol!!

    We are still working out the kinks so not sure what my year will look like. The jury is still out on ours.

  4. thanks Heidi
    Some days I feel like I am beating my head against a wall.
