Tuesday, April 3, 2012

God's hand

You see God's love and ability in everything that goes on around us, just sometimes I wish he would wait until after morning coffee to show us his love and help.

   See this morning I put the Growler (the only puppy we still have at home) and Mommy (Abbey) outside around  5:30 and then I went back to bed.  I woke up around 6 realizing that I had not heard the puppy at the door wanting in.  I go outside and I can hear her but not see her with the porch light on.
   I come back in and find a rechargeable lantern and go back outside.  We have a place under the house that the older dogs like to go and get out of the wind so I crawl under the house thinking the puppy was scared.  After crawling around I find her she had fallen into a hole about 6' deep where the water comes up into the house.  I need help my first thought.
  I run in the house and wake up my son and we both crawl back under the house to see about getting Growler out.  Nothing we come up with seems to work so we decide we need more help.  About 1/2 a block away lives my husband's uncle so we go and knock on his door.  He gets a coat on (it is only 27* outside now at 8am so it was a little cooler then) and he comes over to the house.
  We tried coaxing her into a basket to get her out but she wouldn't go near it.  Finally Uncle took what we were going to use to bring the basket up with (yes it was a PS3 controller cable) and made a lasso and got her caught with it.  She was gotten out by 6:30 am so she was only in the hole about an hour.
  When they (Uncle and Son) brought her out of the hole I was under the house to try and grab her.  Much to our dismay she went running back under the house to Son.  He threw her to me and we all got out from under the house.
   She is now safe, happy and well.  She did not get hurt in any way except to be a little scared.  We need to remember that no matter how we think that our actions alone saved the puppy that without God being with her the whole time things could have turned out a lot different.

                                      Miracles happen all the time all around us.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Girl!!! What a scarry situation to be in. I am so happy it all worked out for you and little Growler. :) Poor lil' thing!!!
    Thank you God for providing protection over this sweet little puppy. IJN - Amen
