Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wed. already

     I know that I find it hard to believe that today is Wed. already.
I hope that everyone is having a good week,  I know that mine is going ok.

I have managed to get a lot made this week (well since Friday anyway).
        apples canned and pie frozen
        dilly beans fixed
        salsa (hot this year since my little girl refused to eat it last year)
        spaghetti sauce
                only have 2 cases of peaches to go.

Hubby has not been feeling good  so I took him to the dentist and he is getting major work done on his teeth.
      He thanked me like he needs to do that, for being a good wife and standing by him while he gets all this done.  I have gotten his meds., kept up with food for him and fixed it so he can play online while recouping.

It is only Wed. so far this week, what to get done the rest of the week?  Only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a good wife!! :) Great job on your canning!!! You have done amazing!!! :)
