Thursday, August 29, 2013

A little slow

Well it is hard to believe that another week is almost gone, and I still don't have a full week of school done yet.

I hope that I am not the only one having this problem....but I probably am or at least that is the devil telling me I am anyway.

Hopefully we will get started today and things will go good. My youngest seems to have a summer cold that hubby had a hard time getting over so I am not holding out a lot of hope for her.  My oldest doesn't feel good and I think it is tummy related, but he wont admit it (afraid I will run him to dr. and he is right I would).

Hubby is back at work after his dental issues, and hopefully he is getting through the day ok so that he will get back to us after work.


  1. Ours will start up the day after labor day. Thank goodness LOL

  2. I cant see the words on chat box LOL

  3. Renee I don't know why you cant see the words on the chat box.
    I am glad that you are back though.
