Saturday, July 28, 2012

Start of school year

Don't you just hate this time of year?  I do at times.
I have changed my daughters science book 3 times now.  I hope that I finally have one that will work (I am getting tired of this personally).

I bought The Stargazer's Guide to the Night Sky and got it home and realized that it was more for a high school level book.
I went to the local Christian Book store  (the Galilean) talked to them, looked around and thought about trying one of those books.  Went home looked some more and found out that is over her head too.
So last night I ordered Exploring Creation w/ Astronomy  by Apologia.
We will see how it goes maybe this is the one I am looking for.

When will school start??
Well I am thinking that it will officially start in on Aug. 6th that is the idea now anyway.

Friday (exciting day)

Took one of my jars of peaches last night and made a Peach Cobbler  (it was really good)

Big fight in the yard yesterday kids and I were gone.
     Scooby fought and actually did some damage to a neighbor dog (who jumps the fence into ours)  he had a sore paw but other than that he is ok.
     Abbey got cornered (she is ok now)
    Growler I don't exactly know what happened to her, but she hasn't quit following me yet.  Mommy is a safety blanket you know when things go wrong.
I left a not too nice note for the neighbor over the whole thing.  Basically people need to keep their dogs at home, but I am proud of Scooby just the same.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thur. 7/26

Well today has been a good day.
   Temps are cooling off for us here, 
  Kids are just hanging out reading books and getting things done.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

church service

I don't think I have ever posted what was talked about at church, but today is going to change that.

We talked about James chapter 3
     vs 1  talks about the responsibility of a teacher and how important it is to get things right.

Actually that was not the message that the preacher was getting across, he was talking about how the tongue can be your best friend or worse enemy.

So really the whole chapter was inspiring.

I hope that you had as good day at church, or with family today as I did.

Gave a good day everyone.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


In case anyone is using apologia science this year and didn't know it
the blog
        is about using the science curriculum through out the year.

just in case you wanted to know.

Happy Day

Well young daughter today decided that she would get started on school
  she has already finished math (not too patiently waiting for me to look at it) ha ha
  and not too patiently waiting for her science  ha ha.

Son is going NO NOT YET...
just different kids

Friday, July 20, 2012

new curriculum for this year

 I am so jazzed.  Went to the mail today and I got all the new stuff I ordered.
          Little one is using lifepac
                masters book   for science
               teaching textbooks grade 4

           Son is using Learning Adventures
                   teaching textbooks algebra 1
                   apologia biology 2nd addition

I think school is going to start next week (much to my kids upset) but it is hard to have school when daddy is home with us too.

This is my first time using apologia books so it will take some getting use to, but hopefully we can manage good.

Free book

In case you didn't know, Christian Home School Hub (one of my favorite places to go)

Enter to win 1 of 2
copies of..
D is for Dinosaur
There is a link on my page to go and enter this contest.

Prayers sent

   Want to send prayers to people in the Denver area, as we at home slept they went through a nightmare scenario.  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thur morning

Well today is off at a run.

Before noon I have
           canned 8 jars of peaches (all I have left)
           took son to the library (they are having a fencing expo. for the local teens
                                       and yes he did help plan and arrange this)
           started laundry

Now this afternoon
           I have to clean house
           do more laundry

Start getting organized for school next year.

oh yes and tonight go to the facebook party at Apologia (since I am going to be using their science)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I was asked for a tutorial on the spaghetti sauce that I made.  First off let me start with the recipe that I used.

Now for the way to do this, it is very simple and easy to follow the recipe,  as long as you know how to peel a tomato and in case you don't here is a link for that also

Monday, July 16, 2012


very productive day today (hope you had one too)

Fixed another 6 jars of spaghetti
Then fixed 5 jars of salsa.

Now I just have the peaches left to go....  getting lots of stuff done

Sunday, July 15, 2012

more canning to do

I have 6 jars of spaghetti sauce almost done now.  
Going to have to do more tomorrow (before tomatoes go bad)

have a productive day.

pictures to follow later....

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Solar Storm

 I do not know if anyone is aware or not, but there is a Solar Storm that should be visible for some this weekend.  I think it would be an excellent learning tool to study.

   For math you have how fast light is traveling to the earth, how far apart the planets are and how long it will take to reach Pluto (no longer considered a planet)?

   For history you can study when and how most of the planets (ones closer to us anyway) were founded?

   For science what is the make up of the atmosphere of the different planets.  How do we know that is what it is?  What causes the lights to look the way they do in the Northern Lights ?

Have fun watching and looking (hopefully you can see the lights)  I know I hope too with my kids.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday (the 13th)

Hubby found a farmers market and ended up getting
     2 lbs of green beans
     1 pallet of peaches
     1/2 lb of white onions
     1 pallet of tomatoes

Looks like I am going to have a busy weekend ahead of me.
       Now I get to check recipe books for canning and making spaghetti sauce, make more dilly beans (like I didn't  have enough already) ha ha
I think I will can the peaches too get a head start on dump cakes for the winter

I can't wait to get started on this as it should be fun.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thur. to do list

Today is going to be a busy day

    clean house (I have only gotten a little done)
    son is suppose to clean the yard
    make more dilly beans (I got more green beans)  Only got 3 more jars though 

hope you have a good productive day

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Took the kids and drove up to see one set of grandparents today.  We went and had lunch with them, and then drove back home.
Total it was a 300 mile trip and used about 3/4 tank of gas, but all it took was time and a little money for gas.

What do you get from spending that:
       1.  time with grandpa to learn stories from when he was little
       2.  time to shine as only grandkids can (to grandparents anyway)
       3.  get a little more spoiled (because you can never do anything wrong with grandpa)

So was it worth the trip         YES
 Hope everyone has a good day and remember the fun times with grandparents and keep the stories coming

Monday, July 9, 2012

fencing tonight

Well here are a few pictures that show, what the kids are doing for PE time.
                                                      On Guard

                                       All For One and One For All

                                                      On Guard
 As you can see they have a lot of fun with their PE activities, and he is getting pretty good at it too.


Well back from the doctors for my little girl.  She has something in her belly they are not quite sure what, but they gave her med. and should be better soon (I hope).
Getting ready for fencing tonight.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Jason home

Well he made it back finally, and no I didn't mess with him and left him alone for 2 whole days.  I survived but I am glad he is home.  (as he pulls out all his dirty laundry for me to do) and no I didn't get a gift, but his girlfriend did.

Friday, July 6, 2012


I am so glad that the weather finally cooled off a little.
  I have made 9 jars of Dilly Beans (hubby's grandmothers recipe)

Now I am waiting for the jars to cool off (I am out of green beans so I am done for now)
I think tomorrow I will get some tomatoes and start some spaghetti sauce.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

4th of July

Well I wonder what the day is going to bring.

2nd enjoy friends and family. 

Most of the fireworks around us have been canceled because of the fires that are burning.  I think the local town is still having them (as long as the wind doesn't blow), but I think we will stay home and watch on TV.  They have even banned bbq's around town unless you have a gas grill.

Remember to thank a vet on this day, as they have defended our right to be free.
last but not least
               have fun and be safe as you enjoy family and friends.

Monday, July 2, 2012


    After sitting at dinner tonight and texting my youngest (we were just trying to have a little fun since she feels left out with brother gone)  I sent her a text and left off the period at the end.

   She looks to me and asked me where my period was (now if that is not embarrassing I don't know what is).
    Then  she sent a message to my Mom and she fixed the verb tense as she was typing (by herself)

YEAH  I think homeschooling is working. 

(just thought I would share that today)  

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Question :  How do you know if you are dealing very well when your kids are gone from you.

Answer  :   For one thing you don't text them 3-4 times a day (I think).  OK I admit I am off to a bad start, but maybe I will get better before he gets home.